More than 3 decades in existence, this institution is a weekly gathering of friends and music lovin

Saturday, November 23, 2019


The better traffic conditions, circumstantially or otherwise, could have been a factor to last night’s turnout with the majority of the crowd being legitimate musicians. Our last week’s aborted collaboration with musical stalwarts Tinnie Esguerra and Anton Atengco finally happened with both finally showing up, refreshed and longing to jam. We were successful playing some new tunes from the list with a couple more extras on the side.

The Joyrides showed up later, minus Jerin Benedicto, all fired up with music roomer Xyrus Judan leading the pack. Second group to perform on stage, the band played and reviewed some instrumentals in their repertoire with the wind section taking mostly in charge. Their solos and interaction of the saxophone, trombone and trumpet was always enjoyable to listen to for me. Good jam guys! We hope to see them back next month at the Christmas party.
Herbie Buted, another astute musician, was back in the room, lorded the keyboards at the music room’s prodigious "Magic Hour" with Tinnie, Anton and myself alongside. Bassist Rick Trinidad, who just got back from a family vacation in Singapore, was on board too. And yes, we didn’t have a drummer. Come hell or high water, the show must go on. No big deal.
Familiarly, Tinnie was again on fire and on a roll playing guitar. Anton outdid himself, as always, making it even more special courtesy of his new axe he recently bought in Japan. Hands down, my now ever favorite guitar among the many guitars in Anton’s arsenal. Congratulations Anton!
Also, glad to see flyboy Coy Dayrit back. Exhausted from flights to and from Bangkok, he decided to proceed straight to the music room before going home to recharge and chill after a long tiring day. A percussionist, tired and all, he will definitely not be denied of the energy to play. Without having the luxury of a drummer with us last night, he was more than welcome.
Overall, the jam was exceptionally fun and productive concluding at already past 5am. We could’ve gone playing forever but it was really getting too late. Tinnie and Herbie live far and really needs to get a head start. Well, there’s always next time.
Special mention to Gab Villanueva, Kiko Montecillo (sadly he didn’t get to jam last night), Luisa Distor (who sang a bit and manned the camera), and the many other guests who dropped by. Thank you all!
With no special event scheduled and happening next week, let’s see how the story will be like then. Surprise us!
See you all at the next Friday Jam!

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