More than 3 decades in existence, this institution is a weekly gathering of friends and music lovin

Friday, December 13, 2019


Admit it or not, SomeOne above must surely be watching over us, as the turn of events last night (almost nil that it ever happens) definitely went to my absolute favor unintentionally just when I needed it most. You can attest that like in many many instances when some setbacks arises, may it be material need (particularly in this case of the music room's needs) or otherwise, prayers are quickly answered and solutions are quickly presented right under your very nose. At times there is not even a chance of asking for a specific solution yet the problem is quickly resolved. I don’t know about you guys, but this is an absolute validation why TRUSTing in God graces is paramount for me.

Speaking of noses, I was not at my 100% last night due to an incessant bout of the sniffles, non-stop sneezing accompanied by teary and puffy eyes that was probably caused by an allergic reaction to irritants that i was exposed to while I was de-cluttering the gym earlier. In case you didn’t know, i am quite sensitive to dust, cigarette smoke, the stench of a strong cologne and even foul body odor which causes irritation to my nasal passage subsequently causing respiratory problems when exposed to.
And so, rest and sleep, to increase the immune system, is always essential to a quick recovery, something that was granted to me timely at last night’s jam. As if by stroke of luck (I call it blessing), it was to be a short evening. In fact, as early as 12:45am we were ready to call it a night.
Despite the early lock up, a handful of guys had made it over for the jam. With all the Christmas parties going on everywhere, a lean turnout is absolutely understandable. Among the few guys who showed up were guitarist and flyboy Loren Orendain, drummer IƱaki Goitia, bassist Rick Trinidad, guitar sensation Joko Reantaso and his ever supportive dad Jay. It was great to si Jay and Joko back in the room after a year in absentia. With Joko’s seemingly lighter load in school, we might just see more of him in the next coming jams.
Though brief, it was still a productive jam for the guys with Loren and Joko lording over the lead guitar exchanges on some of the tunes they jammed. Captured a few of their effort on video which I opted to do all night. I decided not to participate on stage and was just on the side manning the camera for obvious reasons. Honestly, I wasn’t really in the mood to play at all, lest i end up sneezing, losing concentration and spoil the jam completely. with the ample rest and sleep i just had, i am feeling a lot better today. Thank God.
Hey, next Friday is our much awaited 2019 Pete’s Place Music Room Christmas Party. Promises to be a humdinger and another epic night for everyone. Don’t miss it.

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