More than 3 decades in existence, this institution is a weekly gathering of friends and music lovin

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Jam at Pete's Place - Jan. 26, 2018 - Englishman In New York, Cubao (Ryan - keys/vocals, Rj - drums, Loren-guitar, Rick-bass, Steph -2nd voice)

JAN. 26, 2018 – FRIDAY JAM UPDATE – The law of averages finally caught up on us crushing the upward trend in total attendance garnering the poorest showing of regulars around in comparison to the previous weeks. Most of the regular house band personalities did not show up with just a splinter of them making it over. If not for “George the English bulldog” and a surprise sojourn by the Monotones and their friends plus a few others, the place would’ve seemed like a bad day on an abandoned cabin in Gloomy Lake.
Despite the early arrival of Air Asia fly boy and guitarist Loren Orendain, the jam failed to prosper with just bassist Rick Trinidad and myself around. As if by providence, the youthful Monotones comprising of Ryan Nacino, Rj Palma, Joshua Zamora suddenly shows up after being absent for quite a long time. I encouraged them to participate and jam in an attempt to make things a little bit more interesting. Eventually I stepped down to let the youngsters take over to join Rick and Loren who were still on stage.
Ryan took over playing the keyboards and did some vocals while Rj and Joshua alternated playing drums with Rj on it most of the time. Perfect timing for these kids to show up.
Now on her third consecutive Friday night at the music room, Steph Salazar was back and the last person to participate. As always a trooper, she joined in and sang lead or at times doing 2nd voice for Ryan.
With the limited songs playable in the repertoire, the band struggled to even complete a single tune being handicapped without key musicians around. In fact, the few simple chord progression jams we did to warm up had more success than those songs the band actually attempted to cover. Pretty soon, we eventually ran out of songs to play. By 2am it was all over.
After the jam, the guys still stayed around for some friendly chatter and more beers. Surprisingly, the group chitchat lasted longer than the actual jam with the remaining guys leaving for home at already past 4am. I actually had to make a French exit much earlier when the guys opted to hang out instead at the smoking area to smoke. Well, i can’t really bear the smell of cigarettes even if I wanted to stay around to join them. Dondon volunteered to keep them company until it was time to close and lock up.
My special thanks to Luigi Diano, Carmen, Nikki Segundo and his sidekick Jun, Marc de Asis, Virgil Sagana & friend and Kikoy Ventura for their valuable time and presence. Hats off to you guys!
As always, i praise and thank God for the opportunity and the blessings. We eagerly look forward to a more exciting and productive week ahead of us.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Jam at Pete's Place - Jan. 19, 2018 - Max Garrucho (Feeling God)


The 3rd weekend jam assemblage of the year continued to flourish with a greater accounting of people in attendance commencing early but concluding much earlier than the usual. The condition was unlike in the past with the live music a lot more focused on guest participation rather than them just being on the side watching the house band play.

Different cliques comprising of old friends and new comers flocked the room with a majority of them musicians. Some were actually members of bands that had already performed in the house in some of our events in the past while some of them just first timers.
As always accommodating in nature, the house band chose to step aside and just be the back-up musicians to allow the visitors get more involved instead of the regulars hugging the stage all night. It was the guests’ time to shine. Apparently, in lieu of this development, there will be no “magic hour” videos to speak off for the house band this time around. No problem at all. There’s always next time.
Air Asia captain and guitarist Loren Orendain arrived at his usual early time, complete with his axe and gear, all set and eager to jam. House band percussionist Vincent Garrucho arrived next with his daughter Maxine and her guy friend Timothy Carlos who had graciously tagged his parents along to join them. It was nice to see Reynald Perez and his partner Aiko Oropesa in the house for two successive weekends already. It pleases me to see Reynald finally sharing his guitar playing skills after some unproductive prodding in the past. I trust he had already overcame his reluctance to play and will be expecting more participation from him next time he comes.
Music room sophomore Steph Salazar who made good her promise to return was present as well. Even her pledge to bring food if ever she comes back was fulfilled, courtesy of Toby Alberto, whom she apparently begged to prepare food and to accompany her along. Understandably shy being a music room newbie, I am sure Steph had earned her wings of confidence to return on her own without any escort to depend on. Our utmost thanks to Toby for being a good sport and a loyal friend to Steph and for the sumptuous paella he generously shared.
I am happy and surprised to see keyboardist Henry Abesamis back after a long time. He brought a group of musician friends along who partied and eventually had stage time as well. Both of his guests (unfortuantely, i don’t recall their names) joined the band and played the drums. Nice jam guys!
Among the other musicians who joined me were Tinnie Esguerra, Rick Trinidad, Dolf Cruz, Monchie Henares and Marc de Asis. As always a pleasure to jam with these awesomely talented guys.
Special thanks to good friends Raymond Donesa, Jb Gabor, Gigi and Babidi Rubio, Luisa Distor, Geebee Casiano , Benson Baldelovar and to all the other guests who came over and that i had failed to mention. You know who you are. Thank you all for your presence.
Next week, we hope to be able to make up for our inability to record the usual and much anticipated “magic hour” jam videos. Neverthless, i am totally elated having the opportunity allowing the others to show off their individual shining moments on stage as well. For me, everyone deserves to have a good time when you are in the music room. Share the blessings…as I always say.
And so, another night of fun and frolic…another blessing well received.
Till the next FRIDAY JAM NIGHT…..

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Jam at Pete's Place - Jan. 12, 2018 - Mayette Clemente (In My Life)


The second Friday jam night of the year solicited a slightly better showing compared to last weekend gathering more people in attendance in the music room. Guests and musicians had equal billing of participants flocking the room to jam and for some to simply hang out and listen to live music. Despite the actual jam starting quite a bit late, business progressed immediately.
Unlike last week, the stage action was more sustained and intense with fewer breaks in between. More musicians showed up to jam and were practically intact from start to finish. We ended up doing a variety of genres of old time favorites from the 80’s to popular contemporary classics to jazz and more, both with vocalists and some just instrumental tunes. Kudos to all the game and able participants.
Talented siblings Mayette Clemente, Toby and Nando Alberto along with Monchie Henares and Marc de Asis provided the vocal section. House band mainstay Tinnie Esguerra alternated playing the guitar and keyboards, Dolf Cruz the guitar, Rick Trinidad and Dennis Espiritu the bass, Vincent Garrucho on percussions while I played the drums most of the time.
Incidentally, Stephanie Salazar, a good friend of Toby and a music room newbie, was a revelation. Totally excited to discover a place like ours located very close to where she resides, she claimed that she had finally found a place she could possibly hangout on friday nights. If she makes good with her intention, Steph can be a good addition to the roster. She gamely joined the band on stage sharing her singing talent with her own nifty vocal renditions till practically closing time. We hope to see and jam with her again next time in the future.
It was likewise great to see Gab Villanueva back in the room after some time in absentia. Gab who is an avid Friday night jam regular had actually been missing since before the Christmas holidays. We welcome back Gab to the fore!
Among the others who joined the festivity were my son Kevin, Dondon Lambatin-Frac, Jp Bugarin, Reynald Peres and his companion Aiko Oropesa, Luisa Distor and another one of Toby’s guests by the name of CJ. Thank you all for your presence.
And so, our second jam night for the year comes to a close. All’s well that ends well…mission accomplished, as I always say. Already excitedly anticipating and looking forward to next week’s developments. I eternally praise and thank God for blessing me with the opportunity. Thank you Lord!

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Jam at Pete's Place - The Way You Look Tonight (Monchie Henares)


The very first official Friday Jam Night for year 2018 started quite tame and somber but somewhat got its momentum going and found redemption towards the end with the band accomplishing some jazzy tunes thoroughly rehearsed and recorded on video at the jam’s renowned magic hour.
The activity commenced at about 9pm with some welcome guest musicians, from our recent Christmas party, gathering up to play. Xyrus Judan and some band mates eventually made it over and came early to meet up with the others.
Though ending up incomplete, House band Richard Parcia along with keyboardist Roger Salazar previously rounded up the guys who were willing and available to venture on a specific OPM song they had intended to try and learn. When Richard and Roger finally arrived, the band was ready to start. With the official drummer unavailable, I had to take over the chores for them.
“Alon” by Hale was the song of choice. We made a run through of it a few times to familiarize but not really perfected yet. In the end, it was a fair attempt for us but definitely needs more time, effort and practice to give justice. There’s always a next time. Baby steps, no worries.
Midway in the evening, the stage fell silent for an hour or so after Richard’s band was done. It was only when house band honcho Tinnie Esguerra and another amazing guitarist Dolph “aka “Karim” Cruz had joined in, did the jam breath new life.
Vocalist and music room regular Marc de Asis arrived with some guests who were, in fact, singers. Favie and Gabby (not sure if I got their names right), joined in and awesomely rendered a few songs along with the band. We are not really familiar with Favie’s musical credentials, however, we learned that Gabby is still an active member of the popular “Rage Band”. Unfamiliar with Gabby’s usual repertoire, we ended jamming some other popular tunes for him to sing instead. We hope to jam with more of their companions again next time soon. Our thanks to Favie and Gabby.
At the magic hour (usually happens around 3am), the mood and vibe shifted totally to jazz. Tinnie, Dolph, vocalist Monchie Henares , bassist Rick Trinidad, and myself on drums took over the live music to cap the night. "Pinikpikan" pecussionist Dante Bosche who was in the house joined in too. Whether on drums or bass, it is always fun and rejuvenating for me to play jazz, as it is my personal choice of music. Surely with awesome jazz guitarists Tinnie and Doph on stage, you can bet it was going to be a good one.
We jammed some impromptu bossa and swing instrumental tunes to warm up and then concluded with some nice jazzy standards with Monchie doing the vocals. As always, Tinnie was in his usual greatness while Dolph himself displayed his level of virtuosity with awesome licks on his guitar solos. We did a few takes on all the songs we tried and recorded on video to come up with a more decent result. Satisfied, by 5am we were done. Time to pack up and call it a night.
I continue to praise and thank God for gifting me with this new year, so that i can open my doors freely once again for another year and spread the love through the power of music. Thank you Lord!
And so, we Look forward to a more blessed, fruitful and exciting year ahead.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

JANUARY 1, 2018 – POST MEDIA NOCHE JAM - Tinnie Esguerra (This Time)


Surely some outsiders may disagree but this morning it felt more exciting and meaningful for me to welcome the New Year a little bit different from what was the norm. Perhaps “different” is not the proper word but maybe “more complete” is a better description?
Typically, we associate the celebration with just firecrackers, horns, blowouts, party poppers and even kazoos and the likes. Nothing really wrong with that, as we all grew up with the culture and it surely does make the reception a lot festive. But what if (when the fireworks had already stopped and all there is was just smog and clutter) we had a way to cancel out the noise and frenzy to something more soothing and calming to the system to complete the festivity?

With a handful of musician friends dropping by the music room customarily after the fireworks, my post new year’s eve celebration progressed exactly the way i hoped it to be. A nice jam with the guys at the music room was indeed the perfect finish…and rightfully so. A good decent jam was the icing on the cake, so to speak.
The mood and vibe was so relaxed and unburdened that the level of playing reflected on the final result. The composition of the over-all quality of the sound and volume was perfect and spot on. In fact, the jam was so tight and satisfying that we actually nailed it. Of course without Tinnie Esguerra’s tutelage and resolve we wouldn’t have accomplished a lot. Kudos to Tinnie and the rest of the guys on stage.
Among the other personalities who made it to the jam were Rick Trinidad, Richard Parcia, Reynald Perez, Monchie Henares & Nick Mangubat. Among the others who joined were Arabelle Jimenez, Raymond Donesa, Kevin LapeƱa, Dondon Lambatin-Frac, Jet Jugueta and Nick’s girlfriend Louise Dy Suico Ugot. Thank you everyone.
By the way, in case you are interested to know, we closed up at a record hour of 7:15am. Good grief!