A blessed Christmas to everyone! This year, we broke tradition and moved the Christmas jam on Christmas night instead of the eve. With the Christmas eve falling on a Thursday, it would be too much and unworkable to have gathered the guys on consecutive days with all the family gatherings happening left and right. We had quite a respectable turnout last night. Though the band fell a bit short on manpower later on when some had to beg off to make an early exit. But thank God a welcome reprieve would happen in the end.
Among the guests, Air Force brats Joey Barroga and Rico Tayko represented the first batch who arrived then followed closely by regular music room friends Ervin Mate, Reynald Perez, Nikki Segundo, Mark Longos, Richard Parcia and Marc de Asis. Gigi Rubio and Luisa Distor were in the house as well. Regular house band honchos, Tinnie Esguerra, Joaco Marco, Rick Trinidad and Monchie Henares were also present. Comprising the first wave of musicians onboard and with no legitimate drummer on commission, it was going to be my call of duty to sit behind the kit. And so be it. Quickly, we were all set and ready to jam.
Some of the musicians, who had earlier planned to come, begged off at the last minute and some just didn't show up at all. Nonetheless, as the saying goes, "the show must go on". As expected, the jam was a bit slow to progress with some players showing signs of wear apparently from the non-stop holiday partying. When bassist Rick Trinidad left, the drumming was to be left unattended as i had to shift to playing bass instead. We were down to two guitarists, a bassist and two singers with Richard and Monchie ably manning the vocals. But Richard was the man of the hour. Good job Richard.

And so just like last night, instead of the eve, we meet again on Friday January 1, New Years night. See you all then!