More than 3 decades in existence, this institution is a weekly gathering of friends and music lovin

Saturday, December 26, 2015


A blessed Christmas to everyone! This year, we broke tradition and moved the Christmas jam on Christmas night instead of the eve. With the Christmas eve falling on a Thursday, it would be too much and unworkable to have gathered the guys on consecutive days with all the family gatherings happening left and right. We had quite a respectable turnout last night. Though the band fell a bit short on manpower later on when some had to beg off to make an early exit. But thank God a welcome reprieve would happen in the end.
Among the guests, Air Force brats Joey Barroga and Rico Tayko represented the first batch who arrived then followed closely by regular music room friends Ervin Mate, Reynald Perez, Nikki Segundo, Mark Longos, Richard Parcia and Marc de Asis. Gigi Rubio and Luisa Distor were in the house as well. Regular house band honchos, Tinnie Esguerra, Joaco Marco, Rick Trinidad and Monchie Henares were also present. Comprising the first wave of musicians onboard and with no legitimate drummer on commission, it was going to be my call of duty to sit behind the kit. And so be it. Quickly, we were all set and ready to jam.
Some of the musicians, who had earlier planned to come, begged off at the last minute and some just didn't show up at all. Nonetheless, as the saying goes, "the show must go on". As expected, the jam was a bit slow to progress with some players showing signs of wear apparently from the non-stop holiday partying. When bassist Rick Trinidad left, the drumming was to be left unattended as i had to shift to playing bass instead. We were down to two guitarists, a bassist and two singers with Richard and Monchie ably manning the vocals. But Richard was the man of the hour. Good job Richard.
Suddenly, lifeforce ensued! Versatile and accomplished pianist Kiko Montecillo quickly walks in the room and gamely took his seat at the keyboards. He was a lifesaver! With Kiko’s vast array of pop songs, OPMs and any tune under the sun in his arsenal, we were back in business. With just the piano arrangements alone and with the guitars and bass filling in, we were on a roll. It was exactly like getting a second wind. Thank God! Mission accomplished…as I always say! Great jam guys!
And so just like last night, instead of the eve, we meet again on Friday January 1, New Years night. See you all then!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Dec. 18, 2015 - 2015 Christmas Party - Community jam with Pj Cura, Caila Mapua & Mark Ronquillo (Cruising)


T'is the season to be jolly! Aptly a manifestation of what transpired last night as our 2015 Music Room Christmas Party unfolded smoothly and auspiciously, as expected. Food, music and warm friendly bonding were in abundance courtesy of all the loyal music room guests who dropped by the house. A conglomeration of old friends, new friends and musicians alike gathering in celebration the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. What else can you possibly ask for?

At this time of the year, it’s not hard to imagine that most food caterers are already fully booked all thoughout the holiday season. It did took a lot of searching before one of our magnanimous sponsors, Richard Parcia, finally found one available. Problem solved. I thank God unendlessly for golden hearted friends like Richard, Mark Ronquillo and Reynald Perez that they do exist in this crazy world we live in. There is definitely hope for humanity. My hats off to all, who in one way or another, helped in making the evening a blast. From your music room family, we thank you so much! God bless you and your kind in heaps and bounds!

The caterer showed up exactly as scheduled despite traffic and discouraging proxomity of origin. With the table nicely set and food reheated, we were all set to go. Fitstop gym friend, Ervin Mate, was the earlybird then Erwin Dimaculangan and Jp Bugarin arriving moments later. Soon more guests showed up. It was party time.
Other musicians who joined me were plentiful as well. Among the long list who came to perform were Richard Parcia, Erwin Dimaculangan, Roger Salazar, Angelo Geronimo, Mark Ronquillo, Mark Longos, Tinnie Esguerra, Joaco Marco, Rick Trinidad, Aidge & Monchie Henares, Bubui Colico, Pj Cura, Nitoy Adriano and daughters Kate & Michelle, Kristine Virtucio, Paolo Manuel and Ronnie Bungubong of Komikskala, Kiko Montecillo and female vocalists Calai Mapua & Tetel Serra. A hefty roster of talented musicians individually and collectively sharing their God given ability to the delight of the appreciative crowd. Great jam guys!
The jam was relententless with each and every performer taking turns on stage. The music ranged from rock, to pop to jazz depending on the mood. Classic OPM songs were last on the menu with versatile musician Kiko Montecillo on keyboards. We were having so much fun that we did not notice that it was almost daylight. We finally called it a night at exactly 6:20am. Talk about jam overload. What a party!

In closing, let me not forget to acknowledge each and everyone who took part of this glorious fun celebration. Won't be able to remember all the names but thank you all so much for your                                                                                                       presence.


Sunday, December 13, 2015

Jam at Pete's Place - Dec. 11, 2015 - Aidge Henares (Promises) with Tinnie Esguerra, Rick Trinidad, Bubui Colico


Though a tag somber in mood, with the much anticipated Music Room Christmas Party already next week, i was not about to coin last night's gathering with the proverbial idiomatic expression "calm before the storm". Lazy and relaxing but fulfilling, was a much better description. We had actually a respectable number of guys showing up with some new familiar personalities dropping by. Music room newby and neighbor Robert Cruz made a comeback, this time with another one of his close friends accompanying him. With Robert was the famed race car, circuit and rally driver Jojo Silverio, the son of Toyota's racing legend Dante Silverio. Jojo and his dad rose to global fame as iconic figures in the car racing world back in 70's and 80's. Was great to actually meet him in person. Welcome to the music room Jojo!
My loving wife, Vicky and sibling Tin Tin Mara Reed along with dear friend Cali Tiansay was with us too. Air Force brat Rico Tayko and his buddies dropped by as well. And so as music room regulars Ed Diano, Nikki Segundo, Gab Villanueva and his son Christian. Thank you all for coming.

Even with the band lacking some key players, we were able to pull off the jam well enough. With Aidge and Monchie Henares on board, it was timely for us to try out some old and newer familiar tunes to play. Mark Ronquillo gamely jumped up onstage and joined in the fun with his own vocal renditions, as well. Multi-talented musician Tinnie Esguerra sparingly tinkered the keyboards but opted on playing his guitar most of the evening. Rick Trinidad and Dennis Espiritu alternated on bass. Lefty drummer Bubui Colico who arrived looking cool and collected took his place behind the kit. When Bubui left at past 2am, it was my turn to play drums. The jam was productive but concluded earlier than the usual at around 4am.

Next Friday will be our much awaited Pete's Place Music Room Christmas Party. We are looking forward to another exciting and momentus event to unfold. It's a time to rejoice. A time to be merry. A time to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ! Hope to see you all then!